Proyecto de nivelación
2ª Oportunidad

Identify the correct conjugation of the verb to be in order to apply the knowledge obtained throughout the course.
Conoce los requisitos de la actividad
A continuación, te presentamos tu proyecto extraordinario; utiliza las tres pestañas para conocer los detalles de tu actividad, los recursos de apoyo y la rúbrica de evaluación.
Aquí encontrarás los detalles de la actividad por realizar.
To carry out this project, review module 1-4
In a word document, solve the following exercises.
En un documento de Word responde las siguientes cuestiones:
Lesson 1. Exercise I. Complete the sentences correctly conjugating the verb to be.
For example: I __am__ Louis, your old friend from high school.
They _____ ready to go to the mall.
We _____ not eating this again.
He ______ waxing his motorcycle.
I _____ a police officer.
She _____ my cat Daisy.
Lesson 2: Exercise II. Complete the sentences correctly possessive pronoun.
Example: The ball is his (he)
That Xbox console is ______ (you)
The cabin in Mexico is ______ (we)
That great cat is ______ (she) R.
The new jacket is _____ (I)
Lesson 3: Yes/No, Exercise III. Listen to the following audio, and place yes or no as appropriate.
1. Craig lives in a house.
2. There are four rooms.
3. There is a balcony.
4. It isn’t possible to see the sea.
5. There are three beds.
6. It is expensive to live there.
Lesson IV. Based on the audio, identify the missing words and place them in the spaces.
Hello. My name’s Craig. I live in Valencia, Spain with my ____ lady, Angeles, and we live in a ____ .
Erm… our flat has four rooms, no ____, but we have a balcony and a lovely view of the sea.
There are only the two of us living in the flat, and we have some lovely ____ , a ____ desk and a computer. We don’t have a television.
There’s a big bed, and a small bed in the ____ room.
I like it because there’s a ____ from the sea, and it’s also very ____ .
¿Cómo se integra el trabajo?
El documento Word deberá presentar la siguiente estructura:
Respuesta a las interrogantes planteadas
Conclusión escrita
Enlace del video
Referencias bibliográficas
Conclusión del proyecto
Make a presentation video, formally, where you explain the work done and the learning acquired through the project.
The video must meet the following requirements:
Appear in the video.
Briefly mention the full name, registration, subject and opportunity.
Wear formal attire.
Use appropriate language and take care that the diction is clear and slow.
The audio must be clear, adequate volume and without hearing interruptions.
Image clarity, well defined and sufficient light.
Duration of one to two minutes.
To make the video you can make use of applications for video presentations and screen recorder, through PC or mobile devices.
Explora los recursos que te apoyarán en la realización de tu proyecto.
¿Cómo realizar tus extraordinarios?
¿Cómo realizar tu video?
Catálogo de recursos