Proyecto de nivelación
2ª Oportunidad

Identify the correct conjugation of the present perfect continuous, past perfect continuous, as well as the proper use of the perfect modal verbs in order to apply the knowledge acquired during the course.
Conoce los requisitos de la actividad
A continuación, te presentamos tu proyecto extraordinario; utiliza las tres pestañas para conocer los detalles de tu actividad, los recursos de apoyo y la rúbrica de evaluación.
Aquí encontrarás los detalles de la actividad por realizar.
To carry out this project, review module 1-4
In a word document, solve the following exercises.
Answer the questions, for the last section (the last 6 questions) you will have to record a video where you read and answer the questions, don’t forget to add a link and that the last is visible to others.
V. Lesson 05: Present Perfect Continuous/Progressive (choose the right answer)
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1. Me and you _____ been dreaming about this moment for a long time. (have/are in)
2. Paul _____ been working out for 6 months now. (whose/has)
3. I _____ been writing articles on different topics since morning. (has/have)
4. He ____ been reading the book for two hours. (have/has)
5. They _____ _____ playing football for an hour. (have been/has been)
VI. Lesson 06: Perfect Modal Verbs (choose the right answer)
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1. He ______ have payed me because I would of written it down. (can’t/couldn’t)
2. I saw that wasn’t the way it happened, I _____ be lying. (could/can’t)
3. I _____ of forgotten, I don’t exactly remember. (can’t/might)
4. He _____ see jail time, that crime was not small. (may/won’t)
5. Did you know Glenda was a grade-A student? She _____ have been top in her class. (couldn’t/must)
VII. Lesson 07: Past Perfect Continuous (choose the right answer)
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1. The sentence: I had been going running every week, but then I quit. Is in Past Perfect Continuous _____ (true/false)
2. I had been coming here _____ the late 90’s, but I just decided to stop. (since/from)
3. Louis’s dinner pary got canceled; she had _____ fighting with her husband all week. (been/not been)
4. ____ John climbed mountains with you before you were together? (did/had)
VIII. Lesson 08: Past Perfect (choose the right answer remember to record a video)
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1. The sentence: Rick had slept 2 hours before I arrived. Is a sentence in past perfect _____ (true/false)
2. The sentence: Rick is ending his relationship right now, don’t call him. Is a sentence in past perfect. _____ (true/false)
3. I had _____ been sailing before until right now, I like it. (always/never)
4. Ed had ____ been working these last few months, even though he had to pay the house. (too/not)
5. ____ you seen the Eiffel tower before you got here? (had/did)
6. ____ you ever go to the parks before? (had/did)
¿Cómo se integra el trabajo?
El documento Word deberá presentar la siguiente estructura:
Respuesta a las interrogantes planteadas
Conclusión escrita
Enlace del video
Referencias bibliográficas
Conclusión del proyecto
Make a presentation video, formally, where you explain the work done and the learning acquired through the project.
The video must meet the following requirements:
Appear in the video.
Briefly mention the full name, registration, subject and opportunity.
Wear formal attire.
Use appropriate language and take care that the diction is clear and slow.
The audio must be clear, adequate volume and without hearing interruptions.
Image clarity, well defined and sufficient light.
Duration of one to two minutes.
To make the video you can make use of applications for video presentations and screen recorder, through PC or mobile devices.
Explora los recursos que te apoyarán en la realización de tu proyecto.
¿Cómo realizar tus extraordinarios?
¿Cómo realizar tu video?
Catálogo de recursos